
Sunday 1 June 2014

three pieces

these are five of Geoff Giles' line symmetry puzzles (once upon a time available from DIME materials)

find all the ways you can find to fit the three pieces together so that there is at least one line of symmetry for the overall outline of the combined shape

my preference is to establish a rule that edges must meet whole edges
question (2) has several other solutions but with the same outline as one of the others
(with the single and the double pieces swapped over) 

many thanks to the Puntmat team (and students) who have provided additional solutions

(1) 14 solutions to this, with  20 if half square meeting is allowed

 (2) 10 solutions

(3) 5 solutions 

(4) 4 solutions

(5) 9 solutions (8 different outlines)

[ nrich1840 ]

where does the yellow rectangle need to be placed?

below are Puntmat's 14 solutions for puzzle (1)

and another 6 if you allow 'half square' joins

a powerpoint

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